Welcome Daniel Vera Nieto

Daniel has a Master's degree in Telecommunication Engineering and will be working as a Research Engineer on our "Aesthetic Assessment of Image and Video Content" project. Welcome aboard!
Digital Festival Zürich

The MTC and SRF have recently raised awareness on "fake news".
Können wir bald auf Schwiizerdütsch mit Computern sprechen?

Read the NZZ article mentioning the MTC's "Swiss Voice" research project.
ARD/ZDF "Women + Media Technology" 2021 Award

Congratulations to Dr. Pelin Dogan Schönberger, previous postdoctoral researcher at the MTC, for the award on her doctoral thesis „Automatic Alignment Methods for Visual and Textual Data with Narrative Content".
Update - SwissDial

The SwissDial data set version 1.1 is now available with additional 7726 recorded GR sentences!